Day 8
True Peace
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27
In 59 of the 66 books of the Bible, the word “peace” appears around 350 times. It goes without saying that God the Father places a high priority of wanting His children to experience peace. Jesus, the Son of God, knew true peace because of His relationship with His Father.
In the Old Testament, there’s a familiar word for peace - shalom. It’s used about 250 times and is an extremely common word among the Jews. In fact, it is the most normal greeting among the Jewish people and has been for centuries. Shalom is a word that can encompass many things, but most commonly, it refers to a situation, one of well-being, prosperity, tranquility, and security. In other words, it is a desire that all that is good would flow into our lives. Shalom is a blessing, a manifestation of divine grace.
Interestingly, when Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, it was the Thursday night of Passion Week and the last week of the Lord’s life before He would be crucified for the sins of the world. As they are celebrating the Passover in the Upper Room, Jesus tells his disciples, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” He could possibly be encountering the most dramatic, distressing moment of His earthly life. He knows that in a few hours that He will be crucified. It is not only the physical agony he faces, but also the knowledge of being separated from His Father, as the punishment for the sins of all humanity will be placed upon the Son of God on the cross.
While serving near Saltillo, Mexico, my family and I experienced many situations which normally would be accompanied by feelings of fear or anxiety. It always amazed me how the Lord would quiet my soul with what the Apostle Paul referred to as a “Peace that passes all understanding.” I must admit, however, that peace isn’t something that comes to me every time I am faced with a difficulty or a problem. There have been many times in my life when I would try to “figure out” things on my own, leaning on my own understanding, instead of trusting the Lord with all my heart. Those times in my life contained incredible stress and anxiety. Like many in our world today, I was trying to do something that is impossible to do, create my own peace.
Notice in John 14:27 that Jesus uses the word “peace” twice. The second time He uses the word, he quantifies peace. This is not just any peace. Notice Jesus says, “Not as the world gives; this is MY peace.” No one can give the peace that Jesus does. We search for peace in others, peace in activities, business, in careers, and, unfortunately, often in destructive behaviors or substances. We will never find what we are so desperately seeking, unless we know the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Peace, the Creator and Sustainer of Peace.
The only way anyone will ever experience true peace is through a relationship with the One who brings peace - through studying His Word, spending time with Him in prayer, and gathering with like-minded disciples.
I’m not sure who coined this catchy saying, but it seems to sum it up well…No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace.
Are you trusting Jesus today for your peace? Or are you trying to find peace in other things? What changes can you make to trust Him more to be the source of your peace?
Can you remember a time in your life when you felt a “Peace that passes all understanding?” Reflect on what your relationship with Jesus was like when you experienced this kind of peace.
Lord, thank You for the gift of true peace. I thank you, Father, for the times in my life when it appeared that things couldn’t get any worse. It was in those times that You gave me a peace that was unexplainable. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t worried when all the circumstances surrounding my situation seemed insurmountable, but somehow, deep in my soul, I felt true peace because I trusted in You, the Prince of Peace. Thank You for always being faithful. In Jesus name, Amen.
John 16:33, Psalm 34:14
by Phillip Askey